Presentation to WBro Raymond Tattersall

Presentation to WBro Raymond Tattersall

At Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No.462 on Wednesday the 11th of April, WBro Raymond Tattersall PProvGSwdB was presented with a decanter and glasses to recognise his effort in two seperate District Officer Roles. From 2007-2010, Raymond was the former Accrington...

50thAnniversary in Freemasonry for WBro Brian Wetherell, PAGDC

50thAnniversary in Freemasonry for WBro Brian Wetherell, PAGDC

On Friday 6thApril 2018, WBro Chris Welton, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, and a Manchester Districts Delegation were honoured to attend Constellation Lodge No 5395, for the 50thAnniversary in Freemasonry of WBro Brian Wetherell at Manchester Hall. Once the lodge...

ELMC donates £25,000 to Manchester Cathedral Chapter

ELMC donates £25,000 to Manchester Cathedral Chapter

The ELMC has donated £25,000 to the Manchester Cathedral Chapter to assist in the funding of the choristers over the next five years. With support from East Lancashire Freemason the Rev Richard Hawkins, an application was made which would enable the Chapter to...

Talking Heads Presentation

Talking Heads Presentation

The Rose of Lancashire Lodge hosted a meeting with a presentation from The Royal Arch Education and Development Team. Also in the lodge was the area Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Worshipful Brother John Pearson, along with the Deputy Grand Superintendent,...

Explanation of the First Degree

Explanation of the First Degree

Audenshaw Lodge recently hosted the Education and Development Demonstration Team. Around 60 brothers including around 20 newly initiated, enjoyed an explanation of the first degree ceremony. Each part was walked through and explained. The explanation and narration of...

Neville Worthington Celebrates 65 Years In Freemasonry

Neville Worthington Celebrates 65 Years In Freemasonry

WBro David Hudson, WBro Neville Worthington, WBro Chris Welton On 22nd March 2018, at the regular meeting of Felicity Lodge No 4365, WBro Neville Worthington PProvSGW celebrated 65 years in Freemasonry. After the Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed, WBro Chris...

Salford’s Springtime Swingtime

Salford’s Springtime Swingtime

Salford Ladies hosted a fantastic evening of music and dance on the 17th March with the Swing band of the Greater Manchester Police providing the music and the guests the dancing. Despite the snow and wind it was a full house and even some masonic guests from the...

Agecroft Rowing Club Donation

Agecroft Rowing Club Donation

The morning of March 4th was cold and bleak but down at Salford Quays the women of the Agecroft Rowing Club were preparing for the new season. Salford District Charity Steward WBro Stan Jackson and the Salford District Chairman Peter Hegarty were also down on the...

WBro Maurice Birch Celebrates 50 years as a Freemason

WBro Maurice Birch Celebrates 50 years as a Freemason

Bury Lodge of Relief No. 42 held their February meeting, on Wednesday 21stFebruary 2018, in honour of Maurice Askew Birch, Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden, who was celebrating his Golden Jubilee in Masonry. The principal guest was the Western Area Provincial Grand...

Ecclesholme Summer Fair

Ecclesholme Summer Fair

The Friends of Ecclesholme Summer Fair is taking a departure from its usual venue, Elmbank, and is being hosted by Hemsley House, Salford Masonic Hall, on Sunday 20th May 2018, 2pm to 4pm. Chris Welton, is their special guest of the day, and will be present to open...