Summons Distribution

Please arrange for your Lodge / Chapter Summons to be sent, preferably by email, as a pdf document, to the following:-

Craft Summons Information


One copy to be sent to:
Provincial Grand Secretary [this copy to be held by the Provincial Secretariat and will be available for the PGM / DPGM].
Assistant Provincial Grand Master
Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals

Area Chairman
Area Secretary
RAAO (Royal Arch Area Officer)

Hall Manager
Total : 7

Royal Arch Summons Information


One copy to be sent to: 
Provincial Grand Scribe E [this copy to be held by the Provincial Secretariat and will be available for the MEG Superintendent]. 
Deputy Grand Superintendent
Second Provincial Grand Principal
Third Provincial Grand Principal
Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals
Assistant Provincial Grand Master

Area Chairman
Area Secretary
RAAO (Royal Arch Area Officer)

Hall Manager
Total: 10

Summonses for the Provincial Office should only be emailed to

The reference to the RA on a Craft Summons should read:- The Supreme Order of the Royal Arch is the completion of a Mason’s journey through Pure Ancient Freemasonry. 

The Summons should be sent in sufficient time to enable receipt at the Provincial Office, at least 10 working days before the meeting.

Email addresses for summons distribution can be found below

Abbreviations of Craft and Royal Arch Ranks can be found below

Area Summons Distribution Lists

Click on the buttons below to dowload the relevent list for your area

Craft Summons Distribution Lists

Click on the buttons below to dowload the relevent list for your area

Royal Arch Summons Distribution Lists

Click on the buttons below to dowload the relevent list