Bi-Centenary Celebration at Charity Lodge 350

Bi-Centenary Celebration at Charity Lodge 350

Thursday 15th September at Farnworth Masonic Hall saw the new masonic season get off to a bang with the much anticipated bi-centenary of Charity Lodge 350. Together with easily over 80 Freemasons in an absolutely packed (and hot!) Lodge room, the Right Worshipful...
Trailer Training

Trailer Training

The Bolton & Farnworth District Chairman WBro Terry Kakoullis, accompanied by WBro Bob Findlay and WBro Peter Jones attended a training session on the new East Lancashire Publicity trailer. This was held on Saturday 10th September at Rossendale Masonic hall,...
Garden Party in Support of The Jennifer Charity

Garden Party in Support of The Jennifer Charity

At the garden party organised by Anchor and Hope 37 member Tom Craine over the summer recess, a cheque for £100 was presented to the The Jennifer Charity generously raised from gate receipts and a raffle on the day. ——– Graham and James Edgington are...
Bury Society for the Blind and Partially Sighted Annual Holiday

Bury Society for the Blind and Partially Sighted Annual Holiday

Yesterday, Wednesday 10th August 2016 saw the Bury Blind Society send some 67 visually impaired people, some with their carer’s, on their annual holiday to Millstones in Harrogate. The Bury Blind Society have been organising this event for 20 years and this year the...
Western Area Recruitment Meeting

Western Area Recruitment Meeting

WBro Mo Afsa addresses the meeting On the evrening of May 24th some 40 brethren from the Districts of Bury and Bolton met together at Radcliffe Masonic Hall for a presentation on recruitment by WBro Mo Afsa, the Provincial Recruitment Officer. Mo gave an excellent...


Friday 13th is normally a day that forebodes a certain amount of trepidation. Well Friday 13th May 2016 was a day I had been looking forward to for months. The Bury District Dinner and what a good do it was. Held at Radcliffe Masonic Hall the evening went without a...