Paintballing with the East Ribble District New Members Group

Paintballing with the East Ribble District New Members Group

On Sunday the 30th of September, a paintball day was organised through the District New Members Group. Around 20 New Members, long-established members, friends and family came along to enjoy the "fun" on an overcast Sunday morning, before being split into two groups,...

Maritime Lodge 3025 Sponsors the Seedfield Titan's Under 15's

Maritime Lodge 3025 Sponsors the Seedfield Titan's Under 15's

Maritime Lodge 3025 of the Salford District are sponsoring the Seedfield Titan's Under 15's squad this season and also next season. The new kit was worn with pride last Saturday when they won their fourth match of the season beating Rossendale Valley Lions 5 – 3. The...

Cana Chapter No 116 hosts the Deputy Grand Superintendent

Cana Chapter No 116 hosts the Deputy Grand Superintendent

The Deputy Provincial Grand Superintendent with the Cana Chapter Principals and the Provincial Officers On Wednesday 26thSeptember 2018 the Principals and Companions of Cana Chapter No 116 welcomed the Deputy Grand Superintendent Excellent Companion Paul Rose, PGSwdB...

Dragon Martial Arts Centre

Dragon Martial Arts Centre

Dragons Martial Arts Centre is a not for profit, Community Sports Club. They were originally located at Ray Mill in Stalybridge, one of those old mill buildings left empty when the cotton trade moved away. Unfortunately, a devastating fire forced the Martial Arts...

Presentation to WBro Alun Davies

Presentation to WBro Alun Davies

On Thursday the 27th of September, District Team Members  paid a visit to the Lodge of Remembrance No.3787 to make a surprise presentation to WBro Alun Davies PProvJGW. The Lodge DC WBro Jack Aston PProvGSwdB, was asked to bring WBro Davies to the WM’s pedestal, where...

ELRAPT visit to Lodge of Concord No 323 (Cheshire)

ELRAPT visit to Lodge of Concord No 323 (Cheshire)

 Shown in the photograph: Centre – RWBro Stephen Blank, Provincial Grand Master of Cheshire with, on his right, the WM of Concord – WBro Mike Keightley PProvJGW and APGP. The ELRAPT Team are (From top, clockwise) EComps Russell Pike, David Clayton, Greg Casson,...

Bolton Masonic Hall Church Parade

Bolton Masonic Hall Church Parade

On Sunday 30th September many members of Bolton District, supported by wives partners & friends enjoyed a Sunday lunch at the hall, following which they formed up outside the hall in full regalia. Click here for a full gallery of images Preceded by the Bolton...

Centenary Meeting of Kershaw Lodge No 3838

Centenary Meeting of Kershaw Lodge No 3838

The Provincial Delegation led by the RW Provincial Grand Master Tuesday 11th September, 2018, marked the centenary of Kershaw Lodge No 3838. Kershaw Lodge was consecrated at the Parish Church School on Stalybridge Road in Ashton-u-Lyne on Thursday 16th May 1918. It...

Manchester Mason’s Broken Column Dinner 2018

Manchester Mason’s Broken Column Dinner 2018

Monday 3 September 2018 saw Manchester District’s Annual Broken Column Dinner held again at Manchester Hall and an opportunity for Manchester’s Lodges & Chapters to host their Masonic Widows at a gala dinner. The evening began with a drinks reception in the...

Teddies for Loving Care (TLC)

Teddies for Loving Care (TLC)

East Ribble District recently restocked Royal Blackburn Hospital's Accident and Emergency Department with Teddies for Loving Care, or TLC. Well over a million teddies have now been provided by many Masonic provinces to A & E departments across the country since...

Tameside Young Carers receive a £500 Grant from the ELMC

Tameside Young Carers receive a £500 Grant from the ELMC

The photograph shows Stuart Tennant, Ashton & Mossley District Charity Steward, presenting an ELMC Grant of £500 to Mrs Joyce Howarth, the Chair of the Friends of Tameside Young Carers. Joyce, together with Mike Hurst, a Trustee of the Friends, and a member of...