The East Ribble Travelling Gavel is on the move!

The East Ribble Travelling Gavel is on the move!

On Wednesday 10th April Bro Liam Jones was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason at an excellent ceremony by Bank Terrace with King Oswald Lodge No. 462 at Accrington Masonic Hall. Bro Jones thoroughly enjoyed the evening which was enhanced by having a full...

Southern Area’s Annual Charity Giving Evening 2019

Southern Area’s Annual Charity Giving Evening 2019

The Charity Giving Evening is one of the high points of the year in the Southern Area of East Lancashire. Though there are now only 30 Lodges and 18 Chapters between our three Masonic Halls we still manage to punch above our weight when it comes to giving away what we...

East Ribble District Honours Reception

East Ribble District Honours Reception

On Sunday the 14th April, around 50 Brethren, Companions and their guests, which included wives, partners and family, met at the Hawkshaw Suite at Darwen Masonic Hall, for the inaugural East Ribble District Honours Reception. This was to recognise those who have...

East Ribble District Masonic History

East Ribble District Masonic History

Accrington Cultural and Heritage Festival On Saturday the 6th April, a very sunny and unusually warm Spring morning, East Ribble District Freemasons rolled up to the Cultural and Heritage Festival in Accrington town centre with the East Lancashire Provincial trailer....

Royal Visit to Bury Lodges in 1888

Royal Visit to Bury Lodges in 1888

  On Wednesday 20th March 2019 the minutes of the meeting held at Lodge of Relief No. 42 from 20th September 1888 were read out in open lodge. The minutes documented the most momentous occasion when His Royal Highness Bro. Prince Albert Victor of Wales,...

The Let’s Talk Masonry 2019 Conference

The Let’s Talk Masonry 2019 Conference

The 11th ‘Let’s Talk Masonry’ Conference was held again at Salford Masonic Hall and just gets better and better. The Conference organised by our Learning and Development committee and  which is open to all Masons attracted almost 100 attendees including eight...



The Masonic Charitable Foundation has donated £45,000 to Plan International UK to help support the nearly three million people whose lives have been devastated by Cyclone Idai. Plan International UK is working to help survivors, including young women and children, who...